April 2016 / Workshops, Making Places, University Roma Tre


Workshop Two: “Making Places”

Monday, 18th April 2016, University Roma Tre

Hosted by the University of Rome (Roma Tre) with the support of the British School at Rome (BSR), our second workshop celebrates the exuberant energy and visionary imagination of radical architecture and its influence on other artistic forms. Our invited guest will be the Florentine architect Gian Piero Frassinelli, a key member of Italy’s celebrated radical architecture firm Superstudio (1966-1978). Artist and scholar Jacopo Benci (BSR) will lead the conversation with Frassinelli, and will be joined in discussion by experts from various disciplines, including Prof. Robert Lumley (UCL), whose contribution to Italian cultural history includes important studies of radical art from the Sixties and Seventies.


Monday, 18 April 2016 / 10.00 am-6.00 pm

Sala Conferenze Ignazio Ambrogio

Via del Valco di San Paolo 19


10.00 Saluti e Introduzione

PRIMA SESSIONE – coordina Florian Mussgnug (UCL)

10.30 Robert Lumley (UCL) Mario Merz: Time and Space

11.45 Jacopo Benci (BSR)

Superstudio attraverso e oltre le discipline (una panoramica work-in-progress)

L’intervento sarà  preceduto dalla proiezione del film di Superstudio Cerimonia (1973)

13.00 Pausa pranzo

SECONDA SESSIONE – coordina Simona Corso (Roma Tre)

14.30 Gian Piero Frassinelli (architetto)

in conversazione con Jacopo Benci (BSR)

e proiezione del film Viaggio al termine dell’architettura

16.00 Pausa caffè

16.30 Matteo Pericoli (disegnatore e architetto)

Il laboratorio di architettura letteraria: colla, cartone e storie: un’indagine interdisciplinare dello spazio letterario

17.15 Viola Papetti (anglista)


For further information, please contact the organisers: Prof. Simona Corso (simona.corso@uniroma3.it) and Dr Florian Mussgnug (f.mussgnug@ucl.ac.uk).


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